Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 541

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 541

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Umzug auf WordPress(.com)

21 05 2010 Concerning this page

Nach einigen Überlegungen, ob ich nun weiter rund um IT-Sicherheits Themen bloggen möchte oder nicht, habe ich mich dazu entschlossen dies weiterhin zu tun, ohne den administrativen Aufwand eines Blogs auf mich zu nehmen.

Ab heute nun werde ich über meine Erfahrungen, Gedanken und Entwicklungen aus der IT-Sicherheit hier berichten.

Auf spannenden Themen kann gehofft werden.

Bis dahin Salve

Verspätete Neujahrsgrüße 2010 und ein Blick in die Glaskugel

10 01 2010 Concerning this page

Ich wünschen allen Lesern ein frohes und erfolgreiches Jahr - auch wenn was verspätet :-)

Es blieb in den letzten Jahren eher ruhig hier um RemoteShell-Security.

Viele Neuerungen kann ich nicht versprechen, aber da ich derzeit an verschiedenen Projekten im Rahmen meines Studiums beschäftigt bin, werde ich die Ergebnisse auch hier veröffentlichen. Mein derzeit wohl spannendeste Projekt befasst sich mit dem Thema Botnetze, welches ich zu gegebener Zeit auch hier veröffentlichen werde.

 Bis dahin wünsche ich uns allen, dass wir auch die unerwarteten Herausforderungen des neuen Jahres 2010 erfolgreich meistern werden.

Remoteshell-Security is back!

28 04 2009 Concerning this page

Entgegen alter Verlautbarungen meinerseits, in denen ich viele Neuerungen verkünden ließe, blieb es eher ruhig um Remoteshell-Security.

Doch nach dem ich aus meinem Winterschlaf wieder zurück bin und nun auch wieder ein wärmeres Lüftchen durch Deutschland weht, soll auch wieder neues Leben eingehaucht werden.

So wurden alte Inhalte aktualisiert und mir bekannte Fehler aus Dokumenten entfernt. Zu dem stehen einige Projekte (Dokumente, Programme) die bis dato noch nicht das Licht der Welt erblickt haben, einer Veröffentlichung kurz bevor.
Damit diese Ankündigungen auch nichts als eine Ankündigung bleiben, will ich direkt schonmal mit einem
wirklich neuen Beitrag diese Rückkehr beginnen.

Quo Vadis 2008

21 12 2007 Concerning this page

Und schon wieder hat sich unser Erdball einmal mehr um die Sonne gedreht. Viel ist in dieser Zeit geschehen.
Dennoch hatte man das Gefühl, ich hätte mich schon längst zum Winterschlaf zurück gezogen.
Dies ist zum Teil auch richtig, so ließ mir mein Studium doch weniger Zeit als erwartet, da ich mich mit dieser neuen Situation erst vertraut machen musste.
Doch das Gefühl ist trügerisch, so stehen noch einige Dokumentation in der Pipeline, wie auch Blog-Einträge, die bis dato noch
nicht veröffentlicht wurden.
In nächster Zeit werden all diese das Licht der Welt erblicken. Trotz alle dem habe ich mich entschieden, im kommenden Jahr mich primär auf das Schreiben von neuen Blog-Einträgen zu fokussieren.
Das hängt damit zumsammen, dass das Schreiben von neuen Dokumentationen am meisten Zeit veranschlagt.
Zu dem erhoffe ich mir, dem Monolog hier auf meinem Blog zu entfliehen und Anregungen zu spannenden Diskussionen
hier liefern zu können.

Auch wenn die Reichweite dieses Blogs nach wie vor immer noch eher überschaubar sein dürfte, so möchte ich mich bei allen bedanken, die beigetragen haben 2007 zu einem unterhaltsamen, spannenden und glücklichen Jahr zu machen.
In erster Linie bei den Leuten, die dieses Jahr die Community von zu einem sehr angenehmen und
produktiven Umfeld gemacht haben. Und natürlich auch bei all den Lesern, die sich an den Seiten und Foren-Beiträgen erfreuen konnten.

Ich wünsche uns allen, dass wir ein frohes und erholsames Weihnachtsfest sowie auch nächstes Jahr ein mindestens genauso erfolgreiches Jahr wie dieses haben werden.

In diesem Sinne: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2008

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 560

Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/db/ on line 270

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 506

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::enum_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 951

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497

Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_s9ymarkup::event_hook() should be compatible with serendipity_event::event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_s9ymarkup/serendipity_event_s9ymarkup.php on line 146

Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_s9ymarkup::uninstall() should be compatible with serendipity_plugin::uninstall(&$propbag) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_s9ymarkup/serendipity_event_s9ymarkup.php on line 146

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497

Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_emoticate::event_hook() should be compatible with serendipity_event::event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_emoticate/serendipity_event_emoticate.php on line 204

Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_emoticate::uninstall() should be compatible with serendipity_plugin::uninstall(&$propbag) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_emoticate/serendipity_event_emoticate.php on line 204

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497

Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_nl2br::event_hook() should be compatible with serendipity_event::event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_nl2br/serendipity_event_nl2br.php on line 162

Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_nl2br::uninstall() should be compatible with serendipity_plugin::uninstall(&$propbag) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_nl2br/serendipity_event_nl2br.php on line 162

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497

Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_browsercompatibility::event_hook() should be compatible with serendipity_event::event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_browsercompatibility/serendipity_event_browsercompatibility.php on line 80

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/serendipity_event_spamblock.php on line 469

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/serendipity_event_spamblock.php on line 494

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/serendipity_event_spamblock.php on line 538

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/serendipity_event_spamblock.php on line 902

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497

Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_statistics::event_hook() should be compatible with serendipity_event::event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_statistics/serendipity_event_statistics.php on line 1015

Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_statistics::uninstall() should be compatible with serendipity_plugin::uninstall(&$propbag) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_statistics/serendipity_event_statistics.php on line 1015

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spartacus/serendipity_event_spartacus.php on line 400

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spartacus/serendipity_event_spartacus.php on line 444

Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_spartacus::event_hook() should be compatible with serendipity_event::event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spartacus/serendipity_event_spartacus.php on line 1183

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 506

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/ on line 399

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 31

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::count_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 34

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::count_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 35

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 355

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 464

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 943

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1026

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1094

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1026

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1094

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1026

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1094

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1026

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1094

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 73

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 73

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 541

Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007