Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 541
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 541
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Im Rahmen meines Studiums konnte ich in der Veranstaltung "Penetration Testing I" Bekanntschaft mit dem Exploiting Framework Core Impact Pro V9 machen. Im vergleich zu Metasploit besteht der große Vorteil darin, dass es in der Bedienung sehr intuitiv zu bedienen ist und trotzallem sehr detaillierte Einstellungen erlaubt. Dabei können die individuellen Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten mit Hilfe eines Assistenten erfolgen. Core Impact arbeitet auf Basis der „patentierten Agenten Technologie“ wie Core Security selbst ihre Entwicklung beschreibt. Ein Agent ist ein Programm, welches auf dem kompromittierten System installiert wird. Es entspricht in der Funktionalität einem RAT, der ausschließlich im RAM des kompromittierten Systems arbeitet und versucht, durch anti-forensische Maßnahmen unerkannt zu bleiben. So können über die Agenten lokale Prozesse oder über das bereits kompromittierte System weitere Ziel-Systeme angegriffen werden. Ein Agent kann jederzeit aus einem kompromittierten System entfernt werden und überleben per Default keinen Neustart (kann aber eingestellt werden). Eine Besonderheit von Core Impact ist das automatisierte Ausführen von Penetrationstests, welche von Core Security als “Rapid Penetration Testing“ (RPT) bezeichnet wird. Hierzu wird bei der Standardkonfiguration automatisch folgender Prozess ausgeführt:
1. Enumeration (Information Gathering) 2. Angriff und Penetration 3. Lokales Information Gathering 4. Privilege Escalation 5. Cleanup 6. Reporting
Bei der “Enumeration“ werden wahlweise Information über das Ziel-Netz oder -System gesammelt. Auf Grundlage dieser Informationen wird ein Angriff auf das Ziel-System durchgeführt. Ist der Angriff erfolgreich, werden Informationen über das lokale – also das kompromittierte System – gesammelt, um die erlangten Privilegien zu verifizieren. Sofern durch den Angriff des Ziel-Systems noch nicht die höchsten Zugriffsrechte erlangt wurden, wird versucht diese auszuweiten. Der Angriff wird nach einem Cleanup beendet. Im Cleanup werden alle installierten Agenten entfernt. Ziel ist die Wiederherstellung des Ausgangszustandes vor dem Angriff. Abgeschlossen wird der Prozess mit der Generierung eines ausführlichen Reports. Neben der automatischen Standardkonfiguration besteht die Möglichkeit, per Drag and Drop eigene Prozessfolgen durchzuführen. Allerdings müssen dabei Abhängigkeiten zwischen einzelnen Prozessschritten eingehalten werden. Dabei kann auch auf externe Programme zurückgegriffen werden (z.B. bei Schritt 1). Je nach Leistung des Systems, auf dem Core Impact ausgeführt wird, können Angriffe parallel ausgeführt werden. Zudem ermöglicht der Scheduler von Core Impact ein detailliertes Planen von Angriffen mit wählbaren Zeitpunkten. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, auch Webanwendungen auf Vulnerabilities zu testen und Phishing E-Mails zu generieren.
Die Exploits, die Core Impact zur Verfügung stellt sind in Python programmiert und können angepasst werden. Hierzu wird eine Python-Schnittstelle bereitgestellt. Die Exploit-Bibliothek von Core Impact wird stetig erweitert und durchschnittlich 10- bis 20-mal im Monat aktualisiert, um neue Vulnerabilities auszunutzen. Das hat zur Folge, dass schon wenige Tage (<= 2 Tage) nach erscheinen einer Vulnerability, ein Exploit für diese bereitgestellt wird. Zum Suchen dieser Exploits bietet Core Impact eine umfangreiche Exploit-Suchmaschine an. Dabei kann auf bis zu 6 verschiedene Arten gesucht werden, wie in nachfolgender Tabelle zu sehen ist.
Exploits können per Drag and Drop angewendet werden. Core Impact analysiert zuvor das relevante Betriebssystem sowie die Version. Je mehr Informationen über das Ziel-System bekannt sind, desto wahrscheinlicher ist eine erfolgreiche Anwendung des Exploits. Zudem wird eine automatische Wahl der Konfigurationsparameter begünstigt. Eine manuelle Wahl der Konfigurtionsparameter ist ebenfalls möglich.
Einziges Manko an Core Impact ist der exorbitante Preis im Vergleich zu Metasploit, welches kostenlos ist.
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 292
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 73
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Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 541
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::generate_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 599
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::enum_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 815
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 828
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 840
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 840
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 840
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497
Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 73
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 390
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 560
Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/db/ on line 270
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 506
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::enum_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 951
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497
Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_s9ymarkup::event_hook() should be compatible with serendipity_event::event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_s9ymarkup/serendipity_event_s9ymarkup.php on line 146
Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_s9ymarkup::uninstall() should be compatible with serendipity_plugin::uninstall(&$propbag) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_s9ymarkup/serendipity_event_s9ymarkup.php on line 146
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497
Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_emoticate::event_hook() should be compatible with serendipity_event::event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_emoticate/serendipity_event_emoticate.php on line 204
Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_emoticate::uninstall() should be compatible with serendipity_plugin::uninstall(&$propbag) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_emoticate/serendipity_event_emoticate.php on line 204
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497
Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_nl2br::event_hook() should be compatible with serendipity_event::event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_nl2br/serendipity_event_nl2br.php on line 162
Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_nl2br::uninstall() should be compatible with serendipity_plugin::uninstall(&$propbag) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_nl2br/serendipity_event_nl2br.php on line 162
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497
Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_browsercompatibility::event_hook() should be compatible with serendipity_event::event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_browsercompatibility/serendipity_event_browsercompatibility.php on line 80
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/serendipity_event_spamblock.php on line 469
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/serendipity_event_spamblock.php on line 494
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/serendipity_event_spamblock.php on line 538
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/serendipity_event_spamblock.php on line 902
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497
Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_statistics::event_hook() should be compatible with serendipity_event::event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_statistics/serendipity_event_statistics.php on line 1015
Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_statistics::uninstall() should be compatible with serendipity_plugin::uninstall(&$propbag) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_statistics/serendipity_event_statistics.php on line 1015
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spartacus/serendipity_event_spartacus.php on line 400
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spartacus/serendipity_event_spartacus.php on line 444
Strict Standards: Declaration of serendipity_event_spartacus::event_hook() should be compatible with serendipity_event::event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/plugins/serendipity_event_spartacus/serendipity_event_spartacus.php on line 1183
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 958
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::getClassByInstanceID() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 492
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::includePlugin() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 497
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 962
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 506
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/ on line 399
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 31
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::count_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 34
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::count_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 35
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 514
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 572
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 555
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 943
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1026
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1094
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 292
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 73
Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 73
Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 73
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 541
Strict Standards: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 1007
Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /www/htdocs/w0072ee3/blog/include/ on line 73
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